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Teaching Objectives:

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to

summarize the main plot of the story according to their own comprehension.

analyze the personalities of the protagonist based on the events happening to him.

identify natural setting and cultural setting as well as their functions in characterization.

tell the methods applied in shaping main character in this story such as the description of action, the description of dialogue,the description of appearance and the contrast with minor characters, and how they work to make the protagonist vivid.

distinguish the characters as dynamic character and static character.

have a deeper understanding about the story and draw a lesson from it by reflecting on it.

master the character shaping skills by comparing the story with The Story of Danke in term of characterization after class.

Teaching Procedures:

Activity 1 Summarizing plot

Teacher shows students a picture of Keesh and a bear and asks the content of the story.

T: What can you see in the picture?

T: Today we are going appreciate the story of Keesh. What does the story tell about? Can you summarize it in one sentence?

Possible answers: Keesh hunted bear by using his mind; Keesh rose to power and became a powerful leader; It tells about the transformation of Keesh from a young boy to a powerful leader.


Activity 2 Analyzing character traits

T: What kind of person is Keesh in your mind? And how do you know?

Students may analyze the main character mainly from the following three aspects.

① Keesh is intelligent because of the wise hunting process.

② Keesh is brave because he dared to speak out in the council and hunt alone in the storm.

③ Keesh is selfless because he shared the meat generously with the villagers and prevented them from starvation.

Other possible answers:


brave/courageous/ bold/ manful