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Affective aim: arouse students’ interest in remembering English words and promote their team spirit in studying. 三、学习者特征分析学生通过高一高二的英语学习,他们已经积累了一定的基本的英语词汇,但阅读理解是他们的一大难题。究其原因主要是他们在阅读理解部分积累的高频词汇不够,以致影响了他们在阅读部分的得分从而导致了无法大幅度地提高英语成绩。本课时我将播放自己制作的视频引出学生们自己在学习英语方面的词汇问题,帮助他们解决问题。四、教学策略Student-centered teaching strategy. This strategy can lead students to take an active part in the class activities, which sticks to the principle in the New Curriculum Standard.

Task-based and language situation teaching methods. Students can smoothly complete the learning tasks given by the teacher, gaining what they should in this class. 五、教学重点和难点To master the methods to remember English words.

To memorize the given English words related to reading comprehension. 六、教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: leading-in

Today we are going to solve one problem about how to memorize words related to reading comprehension. And then play a video made by myself Watch the video and answer the question:

Do you think it’s difficult to memorize English words?充分利用多媒体,让学生观看有自己参与的视频,不但能让他们正视自己在学英语方面的问题,而且能满怀期待地希望能解决问题。Step 2: presentation

Present some English words which frequently appeared in the test papers of the CEE, especially in the reading material. Ask: Do you know these words? And present the words they should master in this period. Look at the words on the screen to distinguish whether they are familiar with. 激起学生的求知欲,明确自己在这一堂课上的主要学习任务。Step 3: pronounce correctly

If you want to remember English words well, reading them correctly is the first step.

Present the words one by one with the pronunciation.Read after the tape. Each twice. Then read together. Read themselves and finally read one by one to check whether they have mastered the correct pronunciation. 学生先跟着录音读确保发音准确。然后齐读巩固增强自信心。自己检测(与同伴合作)。最后老师随机抽读以掌握教学效果。Step 4 :know Chinese meaning

After reading correctly, knowing Chinese meaning is also a must. I create some sentences including the words .Students tell the Chinese meanings of the words according to the language situations.利用情景教学法让学生在语境中猜测和掌控词义,让词汇教学“活”起来!学生可与同伴合作。Step 5: listening

I made and will play a listening material whose content comes from the real facts of the class.Listen to the material and tick the words learned just now 设计听力环节跳出了常规英语词汇教学方法,可进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣,也可当作是一种词汇学习自测方法。Step 6: use

I make use full of the listening material where I take out the words students learned just now. Students fill in the blanks.学语言的目的在于运用和交际。这一环节可让学生进一步巩固所学的英语词汇。Step 7: assignmentStudents write a paragraph using the learned wordsconsolidate七、教学评价评价内容学生姓名评价日期


生生互评教师评价优良中差优良中差优良中差课堂表现回答问题作业态度知识掌握综合评价寄语八、板书设计 Word Teaching

Pronounce correctly

Know Chinese meaning

Listen frequently

Use frequently

alter ; brake; capture; collide

collision; competent; dispose

impose; deposit; derive; semester

estimate; exceed; fatigue;

tedious; isolate; opponent九、教学反思

This class is aimed at teaching students how to memorize English words by presenting some English words which frequently appeared in the test papers of the College Entrance Exam. The processes are: pronounce correctly know the Chinese meaning listen frequently use frequently.

In the part of warming up, I played a video in which I interviewed some students, asking them whether they think it’s difficult to memorize English words. This is related to students themselves and they themselves are involved in the teaching activity, arousing their interest in this English class.

In the whole teaching activities, students finished learning tasks alone, in the form of group work and cooperation, which abided by the teaching concept of the New Curriculum Standard.