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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版七年级下册Section A 1a—2c下载详情
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He/She is tall/short.

Skill goals:

Learn to ask and answer about the characters of people’s looks

Emotion goals:

1.Learn to observe and describe the people around ,understand one another,promote friendship.

2.Get the students to know that they can’t judge people by its appearance.

Teaching key & difficult points:

1.Train students’ listening and speaking skills

2.Learn to describe people’s looks.

Teaching Aids


Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Free talk.

Step 2 Warm up.

Sing a song to warm up.

Step 3 Presentation.

Present some photos of famous stars to get the students to describe their looks.

Get the students to describe looks of the cartoon characters excerpted from Lao Fuzi.

Show some hairstyles to present the new words.

Ask the students to complete 1a.

Show some photos of famous stars to ask students using alternative questions.

Complete 1b.

Step 4 Play a game

Do a guessing game.Get six students from each group to guess what the teacher shows,they can ask some questions realated to details of the photos.

Step 5 Practice.

Pair work.Imagine that your friend is from one of the characters in 1c and describe him or her,then ask your parter to find him or her.

Step 6 Sum-up

1. Tell some model deeds and photos of Han Hong to get the ss to know they can’t judge a person by its appearance .

2. Present some sayings.

3. Get the ss to watch a summary.
