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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁科五四制版七年级下册Section B 2a-2e下载详情
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Step 1 Lead in

Greetings : Good afternoon ,boys and girls. Do you know what we will learn in

This period? Yes, it’s about something to eat and a festival.


2.Show the teaching aims.

(1). Grasp the important expressions

(2). Describe a process and follow instructions

(3). Value the food and be a thankful person


Step2 warm up

1. Enjoy an English song, While listening, pay attention to what drink and food there is in this song


2. Cook competition –prepare ingredients。When the words appear, please tell me which is sandwich ingredient as quickly as possible.


3. Cook competition –choose ingredients

The ingredients are ready, what do you and your partner want in your sandwich? Ask and answer in pairs. Then tell us. You can use these sentences.


4. Cook competition –Listen for the secrets

OK, we have chosen our ingredients. Do you want to know how to make sandwiches? Let’s listen to the tape to find it out. If you are good at English, you do 1d.If you are a little weak in English, you can do 1c.

★★★设计意图:这一环节,我将1c与1d整合到一起, 实行差异教学。创设听力情境,由易到难并对听力提出适当的问题,供学生思考、理解,练习学生的听力、理解力。同一个听力内容,基础生听相对简单的1c从图中圈词;让感觉自己学的优秀听1d,但可以参考图中单词。实际听力很简单,很多同学对于1d都没有问题,所以可以树立很多同学对于学英语的信心。

5. Cook competition –Show yourselves

Tell your partner how to make your favorite sandwich while doing it. Pay attention to the words ,first, next, then and finally.After awhile, I’ll ask someone to come to the front with your partner.

★★★设计意图: 我在此环节增加了动手制作过程,真正实现在学中用,在用中学。通过小组合作的方式来练习对话、学习目标语言,培养学生的合作意识、自主探究的能力让每个学生都得到更好的锻炼。在制作过程中学生体会到从选材到制作的不容易,教育学生珍惜实物。

6. Tradition

My daughter likes sandwiches very much. But I think there are all kinds of delicious food .What traditional Chinese food do you know? When do you eat it? Say it in a sentence. In foreign countries, people also eat traditional food on special holidays