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师梦圆初中英语教材同步人教版八年级上册Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c下载详情

八年级上册(2013年6月第1版)《Section A Grammar focus 3a—3c》集体备课教案下载-晋江市优质课

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交际策略:通过小组讨论、开展调查等研究,在交流中学习; 调控策略: 通过合作学习, 启发学生思维, 培养他们的动手能力和合作精神, 学会自我评价; 通过向别人介绍自己做过的事情、达到互相学习和拓展知识的目的.





Step 1 Warming-up

Get the whole class to sing the song “One apple, two pears,...”together. 设计说明:通过这个热身活动,活跃课堂气氛,营造出一种和谐融洽的氛围,使学生轻松进入课堂学习。

Step2 Presentation

1、Chat between students and teacher

Show the students pictures of the fruits/drinks/food,ask them “What’s your favorite fruit/drink/food?” S1:My favorite fruit is... S2: my favorite drink is.. S3: My favorite food is... S4:... Present the new words in this part in the same way. 设计说明:通过一副副有趣的实物图,学生可以自由回答所爱好的东西,预习习惯较好的学生会说出本节课将要学的单词,教师呈现相应图片,教授新单词。这样,既复习了以往学过的单词,又给基础好的学生提供展示自己预习成果的机会。

2、Guess and attract the students’ interest teacher: What’s my favorite drink? Can you guess? Then the teacher shows the students a glass of banana milk shake, ask some to taste it.Then asks students “What’s this/ What’s in it? Do you know how to make it?” 设计说明:让学生猜教师喜欢的饮料,这一活动承上启下,既复习表示食物和饮料的词语, 有能自然呈现新词汇。然后,让学生品尝乃昔并回答问题,为下一步的教学设计教学悬念。 同时也起着铺垫的作用。

3、Teacher present the structures,let students watch about how to make a banana milk shake,Show students the sentences and the actions on the screen, ask them to watch and repeat. How do you make a banana milk shake? Peel three bananas. Cut up the bananas. Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender. Pour the milk into the blender. Turn on the blender. Drink the milk shake.


Step3 Practice

Ask students to look at the pictures on P57, and fill in the blanks quickly, and then check the answers A guessing game.Ask one student to go to the front and sow him some pictures. let him look t it and act, and the others guess. Let students confirm the keywords like “peel,cut up, put into,pour into,turn on,drink”. 设计说明:根据图片中的提示做动作,其他人猜测这个动作的含义。这一游戏活动既活跃了课堂气氛,又锻炼了学生的口头表达能力和表演能力, 还使学生在玩的轻松氛围中自然而然地巩固了主要的词汇。

Step4 Listening and imitating T: Two students are making a banana milk shake. Do you want to know how they make? Ask students listen to the tape and put the instructions in the correct order.(SectionA 1b) Let students listen and imitate. 设计说明:在学生已经较好地掌握了制作乃昔的过程后,可以较快地完成 1b,然后安排一个模仿朗读,目的在于培养学生正确的语音语调。

Step5 Pairwork

T: Do you remember how to make a banana milk shake? If you can, talk about it with your partner. Then some students make coversations on how to make a banana milk shake. 设计说明:这是一个合作互助的学习过程,既锻炼了学生口头表达的能力,又巩固了本课的重点,对课本内容的熟练巩固也为下面的拓展任务打下了坚实的基础。

Step6 A task

Ask students to work in groups. Let students make a fruit or vegetable salad . Ask each group to describe the process. 设计说明: 这一环节是语言的综合运用, 学生动手制作沙拉, 并用所学语言表达出制作过程。 学生在做中学,在做中用,充分体现了语言的交际本质。此活动充分发挥了学生的创造力和想象能力,同时又体现了团体合作的精神,学生的口头表达能力和动手能力得到了提高。

Step7 Homework Make a milk shake for your family. And describe the process and write it down.

八、板书设计:How do you make a banana milk shake?

First peel….. Then cut up…… Then put……into…… Next pour……into…… After that turn on …… Finally drink ……


时代、世界、事物都在发展,教育理念的更新也是势在必行,本节课我始终坚持运用“做中学,学中用” 的教育理念,对教材进行整合,创造性地挖掘和利用教学资源,并根据学生的环境和接受能 力设计了各种行之有效的任务和活动, 将语言应用的基本理念转化为具有实践意义的课堂教学方式。整节课,学生兴趣盎然,参与度高,学习效果非常好。

