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师梦圆初中英语教材同步鲁教五四制版八年级下册Section A 1a-2d下载详情
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1.Learn Some festivals and know the customs at the festivals.

2. Make their own conversations with the traditional festivals.

III 教学过程

Step 1 Organization

Step 2 Read the famous poem written by li bai “.Quiet Night Thoughts Poem” in English and in Chinese.Learn the Chinese traditional culture.

Step 3 Leading-in

Watch a video about the Mid-Autumn Festival.(设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,作好热身准备。借助沙画视频<<中秋节>>导入新课,激发学生们的学习兴趣。)

Step 4 New lesson Presentation

Look at the picture and guess what festivals they are.(设计意图:通过观看图片,生动形象地记忆单词,重点了解中国的几个重大节日。时间,活动,民俗等等,加深学生的节日情结,更好地争强学生的民族自豪感。本节课是一节听说课,通过提出问题,学生回答,达到了训练英语的听说能力,一举两得。我认为这是我设计此课的一大亮点。)

Step 5 Practice

根据上一环节,展示给学生三个问题 What’s your favourite festival? Why do you like this festival? What do you do at the festival?学生思考并回答这些问题,增强了口语的表达能力。


1. Watch some pictures..

2. Discussion: Discuss their favorite festivals, the reasons and what they can do at the festivals.

3. Match the pictures with the descriptions.

4. Listen and circle T for true or F for false.(设计意图:通过听力训练,回顾节日的表达法)

5. Make a dialogue about one of the four festivals.


7. Listen and circle the correct words.

8. Role-play conversations.

9. Review the grammar ..First the lead them to go over it,the show them some exercises to recite the grammar.

Step 4 Summary

Ask students to summarize what we have learned in this class. Tell them we are Chinese,we are proud of China.So we should learn about our traditional culture.Make the students love our country better.

Step 5 Homework

Discuss with their partners about your favorite festivals and give reasons.(设计意图:进一步深入了解中国传统节日,激发学生爱国之情)