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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级上册Reading 'A day at school'下载详情
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Help the children in the poor villages,love our happy life,study hard.

二、Teaching focus and difficult points

1. Teaching focus

Important words and useful expressions

2. Difficult points:How to talk about his daily life

.三、Teaching Methods

The Communicative Approach,Cooperate learning method and the Scene Teaching method

三、Teaching procedures

Step1. Warming-up and lead in

Show pictures about students’ school activities and play the song“ Go To School”

2. Ask and answer:Do you like going to school ?Do you have fun at school ?Let us see your happy school life !Today we will learn a boy’s school life

Step2. Presentation

1.Present some new words and expressions to the Ss.

2. Ss learn the new words and expressions and try to remember them.

3. Play the game “I do you guess” to learn the adverbs of frequency

4.Play the game “play the piano “ to use the new words to make sentences

Step3. Reading

Look at the title to circle the questions

Fast reading to answer the questions.

Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

Read carefully and fill in the blanks

Read the article again in groups,discuss the questions

Do the exercises

Step4. Pair work

Show a video and present the describtion

Show a table and make them compare the differences

Fill in the blanks in pairs

Let some pairs practice their report

Let some pairs act out their reports

Step5. Have a summary and do the exercises
