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Let’s chant ! 《A family》

二、自主学习评价(Evaluation of students' Autonomous Learning)

1.检查课前自学情况(Check the situation of self-study)

First, I’ll check the situation of self-study. Let’s have a look.


Who can answer the question for him/her?

2.检测学生掌握情况(Test the mastery of the situation)

You are all great! Next, I want to take a test of you. Take out your electronic cards, let’s do the exercises.

使用智慧课堂一卡通做基础练习,检测学生对课前学习知识的掌握情况。面向全体学生,使用大数据分析每个学生答题情况,对没有掌握的或掌握不全面造成错误的学生及时给予帮助,直到学生掌握。Good job ! Let’s consolidate《My family》(板书课题)

三、巩固知识点(Consolidate the point of knowledge)

1. Look at the animation and listen carefully. There are some words like “father, that, this”.(板书father)Pay attention to “th” in these words. Listen carefully!

看动画视频,认真听,学习正确发音。然后生归纳“th”发音,师补充,并作口型演示。How to pronounce “th” in these words? Put your tongue between your teeth.

2. Please repeat the text with your pad twice, remember that put on your earphone, we should take care of others' feelings.

学生自由练习跟读。使用平板电脑中的电子书,反复点击跟读,体会掌握“th”正确发音及重点句型问答。(注意提醒学生使用耳机,要顾及他人感受,避免影响周围同学,适时进行美育教育。)师指白板:Who can lead the reading? I‘ll choose a person at random. How about this one?……The last one. ……


You’re so clever. Let’s go to the park to see Sarah’s family.

3.看动画,巩固单词。Consolidate the words in the animation

Look at the animation. You have learnt the new words by yourselves, try to answer.师指着问:Who’s that? (板书Who’s that)生答father. 师:Yes, he’s Sarah’s father. He’s Sarah’s dad.(板书(dad))He is a man.(板书man); Who’s that woman?生答mother. 师:Yes, she’s Sarah’s mother.(板书mother)She’s Sarah’s mum.(板书(mum))She is a woman.(板书woman)They’re Sarah’s family. Next, let’s meet Wu Yifan’s family.

4. Point and say,师领生练习一组,其余生自主练习。

There are four people, let’s choose one. How can he answer the question? He should say: She’s my mother. (perfect) (板书She’s my)If there is a man, he should say he’s.(板书He’s)Let’s finish off the others. (完成爷爷、奶奶)Excellent!

四、练习和提升(Practice and improvement)

1. Play games. 出示游戏flash,听音认图。

I've got a game for you. Listen to the radio, and point out the right person. Who want to try? Go back and sit down. So easy. Is it? But, it’s not over. There is another challenge waiting for you. Turn on your pad and have a try. Who’s the NO.1?

2. 创设情景并表演。(Create a scene to act. )

Have you all done it right? If not, you can continue in my cyberspace. Next make up new dialogues in groups. Pay attention to this part. You have 2 minutes. Ready? Go! 以小组为单位,自由创设情景(现场或家庭照片),练习并表演。What do you think of this action? (至少表演2次,每次以生为主进行评价。)

3.独立完成小文章。(Introduce my family by yourself.)

At last, please fill in the blanks, and finish off the text on the paper.


五、Homework and summary

This is today’s homework. You can find it in my cyberspace.