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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点四年级上册3 Are you happy?下载详情
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三、Teaching difficulties(教学难点)


-Is he/she happy?

-Yes, he/she is.

-No, he/she isn’t. He/She is sad.

四、Teaching steps(教学步骤)

= 1 \* ROMAN I .Enjoy a song

Teacher finds a video of the song If you are happy from the Internet. Teacher shows the video of this song to students. Let students look at the video and do the actions. Then let students pay attention to the word HAPPY.

= 2 \* ROMAN II .Learn new words

This part teacher will show some pictures about feelings. Then teacher asks students to say how does she/he feel of pictures one by one. When students say out the word, teacher asks students to spell it and teacher writes down the word on the blackboard.

The other words also follow this way.

happy, sad, hungry, full, thirsty, tired

Then teacher asks students to read three times after her, and then let students spell them.

= 3 \* ROMAN III .Learn the structures

当我们想表达自己的心情如何时,应该用陈述句 “I am X X.”。

当我们猜测对方的感受时,应该用一般疑问句“Are you X X ?” 来问。以及它的肯定回答和否定回答形式。

-Are you happy?

-Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. I am sad.

At the same time, teacher writes down the structures on the blackboard.

= 4 \* ROMAN IV .Drilling

Task 1 Play a game----act and guess

Three students are a group. The first student shows a picture or a word to the second student. The second student acts this picture or word out, let the third student guess the meaning. They can make a dialogue use these words and sentences.

Three minutes later, teacher let some groups show their dialogues for class.

= 5 \* ROMAN V .While-reading

1. Teacher shows the cartoons of the text to students.

2. Students listen to the mp3 of this text for one time.

3. Teacher asks students to read the text after her for one time.

= 6 \* ROMAN VI .Consolidation

Task 2 Answer questions

Students read Listen and say again on page 10. At the same time look at the pictures and think Kitty and Ben’s feelings. After five minutes, teacher shows the pictures of this text, then ask students to answer these questions.
