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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点五年级下册1 Tidy up!下载详情
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Step2:Name the boxes.

Step3: Put...in the boxes.

Step4: Put ...in,on,under...

2.Thinking Ability and Living Skill Objectives :

1) Enable students to have the ability to tidy up the toys and can express the steps of toys tidying up.

2)Enable students to know the good ways of tidying up other things.

3) To cultivate students’ logical thinking ability and critical thinking ability during the process of toys tidying up.

4) To cultivate students’ practical ability and the ability to organize daily necessities.

3. Emotion and attitude Objective

Don’t make our room messy.

We need to tidy up things.

Teaching Key and Difficult Points:

To master words blocks,dolls and the sentences of 4 steps of toys tidying up.

To understand and use the sentence:How messy/tidy the...are/is!

To understand why we need to tidy up toys by the 4 steps?

4) To know how to tidy up other things.

Teaching Steps:

Step 1:Warm up and lead in

1.Warm up: Free talk about “toys”

T: What do you see on blackboard?

Ss: I see balls./cars/bears...

T: They are all toys.

T:Do you have toys? What toys do you have?

Lead in

Guessing game : Peppa and George

Watch a video and answer the questions

Q1: What toys do they have?

Q2: Where are the toys? Is it good?

Teach and Practice: “OMG! How messy the toys are!” (lead ss to read it in strong emotion.)

4)Q3: What should they do?