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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点六年级下册5 Crafts下载详情
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Learn something from the great craftsman.

Teaching steps:

Step One: Warm up:

Free talk:

T:What are you going to be when you grow up?

Do you know some craftsmen? Who are they?

Step Two:

Show some pictures on the PPT and make dialogues with the students:

Who is he?

What is it?

What happened between Lu Ban and the saw?

Listen to the story and number the pictures.

Listen and read by yourselves.

Read and talk about the questions in groups.

Show the key words and make sentences with these words.

easy-easily, happy- happily lazy- lazily crazy-crazily

Show the pictures on the PPT and try to answer the question:

How are the teeth of the leaves and the mouse?

What did he think of the leaf?

Look and the pictures and talk about in groups:

How did Lu Ban make the saw?

Read the shot massage and complete the sentences.

Lu Ban was a craftsman. One day , Lu Ban was at work. A leaf cut his finger. He saw many teeth on the leaf. Lu Ban thought 'Could I make a tool with teeth like this?' Then he made a saw. People are still using this tool today.

Retell the story in groups.


1.Listen to and read the story.

2. Retell the story.