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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点三年级下册Part B下载详情
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Step = 2 \* ROMAN II . Presentation

Teach the words: where, on, in, under.

T: What′s this?

Ss: It′s a flower.

T: Now, where is my flower?(把花藏背后,再顺手扔地上)


T:Please find the flower.

Where is it? Oh, it′s here. It′s on the floor.

教单词on,随后把花放书的不同位置教单词in和 under,领读单词。

Listen and do

Have the students put his/her pencil in different places of the book.(游戏巩固几个方位介词)

Lead out the key sentences and teach them.

T: What′s this?

Ss: it′s an eraser.

T: Yes, it′s my eraser.Now,let′s play hide and seek

Lead out the key sentence: Where is my eraser?(板书重点句子)

叫几个同学猜引出主要句型It′s in/on/under the book.

Read them after the teacher for several times

b. T: Now, I′m sorry to tell you that Alice can not find her eraser and Liu Zhaoyang can not find his ruler. Let′s listen to the dialogue and think. Where is Alice′s erase and where is Liu Zhaoyang′ruler?(老师放对话录音,学生静听)

c. have the students open the books and check the answers.

Step = 3 \* ROMAN III .

a.. Read after the vedio

b.. Divide the students into boys group and girls group. Play the roles to read the dialogue.

Step. = 4 \* ROMAN IV Consolidation

Play a game: Hide and seek

Have a student hide someone′s bag. Have another student find it to pratise the key sentences.

Open the books on page 45.The students do asking and answering about the picture

After a while, ask some pairs to come to the front and do asking and answering about the big pictuer on the screen.

Sing the song on page 50 to consolidation the key sentence.