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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版七年级下册Section A下载详情
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Step 1 Lead-in

1. The teacher shows a picture to say something about her house and lead in anpartment building.

2. To know about townhouse and farmhouse, ask students which one they prefer, apartment building, townhouse or farmhouse.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Learn the useful sentence:

What kind of home do you live in ?

I live in a /an …

2.Work in pairs and use the useful sentences to make up a short conversation .

3. Give an introduction of the dialog: Wang Wei and Kangkang are talking bout their houses and their grandparents’ houses. Listen carefully and try to find out where they and their grandparents are living now, in an apartment house, in a townhouse or in a farmhouse.

4. Raise questions and assign the listening tasks.

Where are Wang Wei’s grandparents living?

Where are Kangkang’s grandparents licing?

Could Wang Wei go to play soccer with Kangkang?

5. Complete the chare in 1b.

6. Answer the following questions, and complete 1c.

Who lives in apartment building?

Who lives in townhouses?

Who lives in farmhouses?

Who lives in dormitories?

7.Make a survey: What kind of home do your classmates live in? Then report to us.

Step 3 DO some listening practice .

1.Skim the questions and the answers.

2.Listen to the tape twice ,then check the correct answer of each question .

3.Work in groups to make up the conversation.

Step 5 Project

. Ask each of students to find out his/her own dreaming house, then write it down.