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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)三年级下册Unit 2 It's warm today.下载详情

外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 2 It’s warm today.》新课标教案下载-淮北市优质课

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Teacher should make the activities for practise.教学策略教法The direct-viewing teaching method and TPR learning method学法Situation teaching and TPR learning method


活动设计意图Lead in:Step 1 Warm up


Review the contants of last unit.

T:What season is it now?Ps:It’s spring

T:How is the weather? Ps:It’s warm today.then write down the title and say today we’ll learn Unit 2 It’s warm today.Let PS review the old knowledge and learn the new knowledge in fun.Let PS like to learn English.

Step 2. Activity 2 Listen and say.

T:Look at the pictures of activity 2 and say the pictures.

2.Listen to the tape and say after i it

Read after the tape and circle the new words.

Learn the new words:play 、snow、 rain、sunny 、windy、very.

Practise the words in some ways.(in team、 in groups 、boys and girls....)

Put the new word into the sentences and practise in different ways.

5.Read the text together.

Step3.Do a practice

Find out the picture of the words.

Step4Activity 1 Listen,point and say.

T:Boys and girls,Do you go skating in winter?Do you go swimming in winter?Ps:....

Please let’s see how’s the weather in Harbin and Sanya.

Let Ps look at the pictures of the activity1

Listen to the tape and read after tape.

Read after again.

Step 5 Summary

Boys and girls ,Let’s review what we have learned .

Step 6 Homework.

1. read the book

2. report1.PS practise the sentences in different ways(say one by one、work in pairs work in groups、boys and girls etc)

2.By different practices for mastering the important sentences.

1.Let ps master the important sentences and the words of this lesson in different ways.
