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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)五年级上册Unit 2 We bought ice creams.下载详情
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Teaching procedures :

Step 1 :warm-up

(1). Free talk: Ask students some questions about the past .

Did you go home by bike yesterday?

Did you have rice yesterday?

Did you watch TV yesterday?


(2). Listen and chant

Listen to the tape and have a chant together .

Step 2 : presentation

(1). T: Lingling is in London now. Where is Daming ? Is Daming in London too ? Listen to the part 1, let students understand the passage. Then show the word cards and learn the new words: send ,email , postcard , love.

(2).Show some pictures about postcards ,lead into the part 2 . Listen and read ,then finish the questions in part 3 .

(3).First time,let students read the letter and try to answer the following questions.

Then, read it again and work in pairs,let students finish the part3 in groups. At last,explain the passages and check the answers.

Step 3 : Consolidation and extension.

(1) Retell the story

Show the words:went , met , bought , ran , dropped , was. Then try to retell the story.

(2) Talk about a trip in class

Finish this work in groups.(6 students a group)

The teacher show some pictures about the foreigner’s trip in the summer holidays. What an interesting trip! Let the students talk about their trip in groups, then choose the most interesting story to tell us.

They can show their photos and communicate with others.

They can finish this work in different ways, for example : act the story, retell the story by driving car, draw pictures to tell the story, make a chant and so on.

Step 4 : Summary

Talking about the activities in the past.

eg: We bought ice cream .

Step 5 : Homework

(1) Read the passage and sing the song we learned.

(2) Preview the part 4 on page 6

(3) Make a postcard to your friend to tell them your trip.