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外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)《Unit 1 Let’s make a home library.》公开课教案下载-枣庄市优质课

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1.掌握本课的单词 “library, sent, CD , idea, put, shelf, heavy, dictionary, card, library card ”。

2.熟练地掌握句型“①These are all books about science. ② Let’s put them on Shelf A. ③ Where are the books about

animals ? ④They’re on Shelf A.”并且能熟练的应用于生活当中。


教学方法:本课中,我采用小组活动学习法、情景教学法、 游戏教学法,在活动交流中学习并运用本课的内容,倡导体验参与, 通过师生互动,生生合作,来强化教学重点,突破教学难点。让学生 在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式实现任 务目标,感受成功。

五、学情分析 五年级的学生已具有初步的听说能力,他们对游戏、竞赛特别感 兴趣,有着极强的求知欲和表现欲。我始终把激发学生的学习兴趣放 在首位,根据学生的心理特点,我课上多以表扬为主,注重对学生英 语学习兴趣的培养,鼓励他们大胆说、积极做、认真想!


Step1. Warm-up Greetings

Step2 带领学生学习本节课的重点单词和短语,和句型。

T: You can put(放) books on it.(shelf) (put) T: This is a book shelf .We can put books on it. 学习 “shelf” “put”. (利用升降调,phonics 教学法。 ) ( 3 ) T: You can borrow (借) books from it. ( library ) (重点学。 ) (4)T: You can use it borrow books from the library. 学习“library card---card” (library card ,card) (5)T: You can write emails on it. (sent) T: Yes, It’s a computer. I think all of you like it very much .Right? Because we can play computer games,we can sent emails . Yesterday I sent an email to my friend. 学习“sent” ( 6 ) T: You can find Chinese words ( 汉 字 ) in it . (dictionary, heavy) (带一本字典,利用实物教学。 ) (设计意图:利用猜谜来教授本课的新单词,培养学生用英语 思考问题的良好习惯,激发学生的学习兴趣,以趣促学,有效提高英 语课堂教学的效率。 )


Practice 1. Now let’s check the new words. (老师利用升降调领读所有单词,然后看口型猜单词。 )

2.(课件 9)Play a game. Read these words as quickly as you can.(利用白板的探照灯功能让学生来快速认读单词。 )

3 T:Please clap hands for yourselves like this. “Well done, you! Well done, me!” (设计意图: 通过这两个练习让学生进一步熟悉和掌握本课的生 词。)

Step4 Text—learning

T: A friend sent many books and CDs to me. What should I do?

T: I have a good idea ,学习“idea”,Let’s make a library.

T: How to make a home library? Look at the screen.

Step 1, Let’s go to the library.(课件 9 )

T: There are three books .They’re books about animals.

We can say “These are all books about animals.”

T: Look at these pictures. What can we say? Yes, “These are all books about art.”

2.(课件 10)T: Who can make a sentence? S1: “These are all books about dictionaries.”

3.T: Step 2 , arrange(整理)the books. (课件 11) “These are all books about animals. ”,“This is Shelf A.” “Let’s put them on Shelf A.” (课件 12) “These are all books about science. ” “Let’s put them on Shelf B.”

(课件 13)Step 3, how to find a book? 如果你要找书,你会说: Where are the books about______, please ? 你应回答: They are on Shelf ___ .

5.(课件 14)Drill. T:I want to find some books. Who can help me? (句型练习,教师提问,学生回答,请学生问学生。 ) 6.Group work:小组练习句型,全班展示,按顺序循环问答。 (设计意图:通过创设情境,利用分步教学的方法,化难为易, 帮助学生充分理解句型,并且能够地掌握句型。 )

7. Amy and Lingling made a home library. Let’s see how did they do?

8. Open your book , turn to page 20 ,Look at the cartoon, first time you just listen. Listen again, then answer questions

1) How many kinds books does Lingling have?
