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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级上册Unit 2 I can speak French.下载详情
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【教学过程】:Step 1、Warming-up

Greeting: Pleased to meet you!重点复习pleased.

T:You can greet you partner with this sentence.

Well done ! Sit down , please.

Step 2、Lead-in

T:Today, we will continue to learn Module 5, Unit 2, I can speak French. Look! There are six Task Cards in my hand. Later, you will choose anyone and finish it with your team. Let’s see which team will be the winner. OK?

Step 3、Review and learn new knowledge

First, review 10 phrases with students. <出示课件>Let the students remember them and make sentences with these phrases.例如:

T:说中文 speak Chinese Who can make a sentence with this phrase?

S:I can speak Chinese.



Second, ① T: let’s learn “How to use can?”<出示课件> I’ll give you three minutes to remember it. Please stand up , if you remember it, you can sit down. Here we go!

②Then , do some exercises about can.例如:

Sa: Can you play basketball?

Sb: No, I can’t.

Sc: He can’t play basketball.

Third, T: Let’s read the text follow the video. Please look at page 29. Later, I will choose five sentences from here.

Step 4、Detection

Group-work T: OK, it’s enough. Now is the test time. Are you ready. Team leader, please come here, and choose one task. Please do it with your team.

Show time T: OK! Stop! Please give me your task. Now is show time. Look, Task 1. Which team? Please stand up, and read it. Other pupils check it right or wrong.(后面的任务也是这样逐一展示检查。)

Step 5、Summary

评出哪个组是表现最优秀的小组。给予其他组鼓励。This class, I’m very happy. Are you feeling happy? You are wonderful! I love you, see you next time.
