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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版三年级起点(陈琳主编)六年级上册Unit 1 You've got a letter from New York.下载详情
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Learn Activity 1

T:You all jump,and you jump very high. I know reading books is your hobby and reading books is my hobby. And I’ve got lots of books.(拿出一本关于中国的书和一本关于美国的书)Look,this is a book about China. This is a book about the US. Have you got a book about China? Have you got a book about the US? (然后就势拿出一本关于世界的书)Have you got a book about the world?

T:You haven’t got a book about the world.I have got a book about the world.(Let the pupils choose “and”or”but” to connect the two sentences.)

(设计意图:教师出示一些书,通过反复提问Have you got a...?让学生对这个句型增加认识,同时引出“world”这个较难读的单词。以学生没有关于世界的书而老师却有为切入点,使学生接触到“but”,以及通过“but”连接两个句子,使句子前后组成转折关系,到此引出本节重点知识。)

Learn Activity2

Step1:Free talk about pen friends

T:Boys and girls,I like traveling. I want to travel around the world.And I like making pen friends.Look, they are my pen friends, Max and Maximilian .They are from London, and London is in the UK. So they are British.(播放自己笔友发过来的视频)

T:My pen friends are very cool.They are British. Do you like them? Now let’s send the book to them, ok?(将关于中国的书放到教师自制的大信封里)And we can write letters to them.(板书write letters). I believe you can be pen friends.(板书pen friends). Now let’s say “Hello, we can be pen friends”.

(设计意图:为了让学生对课文内容整体感知,我请自己英国的两个笔友帮忙录了一段视频,视频中对话内容与本节学习内容基本一致,这样的设计让学生在兴奋状态下积极感知课文内容,同时对British send 以及pen friend这几个词有一个简单的复习回顾。)

Step2:Introduce another pen friend

1)Watch the cartoon about Activity 2 and answer questions.

T:Do you know this girl?(课件图片呈现本节课主人公Laura)

Now let’s see what Laura wrote to Sam and Amy ,then answer the questions.(播放课文动画)

1.Who wants to be our pen friend?

2.Where is Laura from?

3.Is Laura American?

4.Who has got a dragon kite?

The teacher can finish the blackboard design according to the answers.


Listen Activity 2 and repeat, then fill in the blanks with “have got”or”“has got”.

1.You ______a letter from New York, but it's not from Daming.

2.Daming ____a Chinese dragon kite, and we often fly it in the park.

3)Listen again and repeat,underline “but”and “and”in the text.

4)Show some sentences, let the pupils use “but”or “and” to complete the sentences.

1.I've got a kite, _____I can't fly it.

2.Sam has got a dog ____he often plays with it.

3.I've got a postcard, _____it's from my pen friend.

4.She's got an email in French, ____ she can't read it.

(设计意图:have got 和has got的使用,以及”and”和“but”的使用,都是本课教学重点,通过听、跟读、讨论等多种形式使学生完成本课重点知识的学习。)
