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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Reading 'Electricity all around'下载详情
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1.List out all the electrical appliances as possible as you can.

1.Encourage the students to list the electrical appliances.

1. Arouse their interest in electricity.

第二环节 阅读理解课文。

Step 2

Reading comprehension.

Before reading

While reading

post reading

2.Follow the tips to read the text:

① Look at the title the photos, then finish the exercises on P72.

②Listen to the tape and do practice.

③Read the text to finish the comprehension exercise on p 75.

④ Read the text and divide the text into 3 parts.

2.Give some tips for the students to read

① Lead the students to skim and scan.

②Play the tape for the students to get the basic information.

③Limiting the time ask the students to read and finish the exercises on P75 in Pairs.

④ Lead the students to read again and learn to divide the whole text.

2 Improve the students reading ability by providing proper ways for then to follow..

第三环节 寓教于乐

Step 3.Games.

Twist your tongue.

3.Read the twist as fast as you can to be No. 1.

3.Help the students to read the twist correctly, and organize a competition.

3.Learn with joy and solve problems.

第四环节 要点小结并当堂训练

Step 4

Sum up the useful expressions in the text, and do the translation.

Practise promptly, finish Reading A and Reading C1.

