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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版七年级下册Reading 'Electricity all around'下载详情
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教学内容、教学过程及活动意图教学内容与教师引导学生活动设计意图及其它Step1 Pre-reading

Teacher leads to the topic-electricity through singing a song about electricity.

Teacher shows some questions and leads students to ask and answer these questions in pairs.

Students listen to a song called Electricity and follow Teacher to read some new words in the song:motion, motor, generator, water turbine, photo electric cell.

Students sing the song loudly.

Students work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about electricity:

(1)Will you leave the computer on all day if you go out ?

(2)Do you always turn off the light when you leave a room?

(3)What, do you know, can produce electricity?

Please name three.

(4)Do you know where electricity comes from?

(5)In your opinion, what is electricity like?通过唱歌,将学生的注意力转移到课堂上来,并且导入文章主题;通过问答,激活学生关于电的一些基本常识,为下面的活动做铺垫。Step2 While-reading

Teacher plays the recording three times.

Teacher lets students discuss in pairs.

Teacher leads students to finish the flow chart about how electricity comes into our homes and show her own version.

Teacher inspires student to retell the process about how electricity flows into our homes.Students listen to the recording silently and pay attention to the pronunciation.

Students listen to the recording again and read the passage in low voice while listening.

Students read the passage aloud together.

Students ask and answer five questions about the basic elements of the story in pairs:

(1)How many people are there in the short story? Who are they?

(2)Where did this story happen?

(3)What did Benny want Daisy to buy?

(4)What did Daisy buy?

(5)Who won at last? Why?

5. Students read the questions and answers together.

6. Students follow Teacher to finish the flow chart and read Teacher’s version aloud.

7. Students practice retelling the process for 1 minute. Then 1-2 students will be invited to show on the platform.

学生通过听录音,跟读和大声朗读熟悉课文。2.学生通过小组问答的方式互助学习,掌握本课的一些基本信息。3.学生在老师的带领下,完成流程图。关键词,图片以及老师的范例都为学生最后复述电产生的流程做了充分的铺垫。最终,学生复述本篇课文中的重点部分,即电是如何进入各家各户的。Step 3 Post-reading

Teacher shows the pictures of the classroom, and asks the question.

Teacher plays three short video clips to inspire students to think about their habits of using electricity.

