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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点五年级下册Sound time, Song time & Cartoon time下载详情
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T: Look at those teachers, what are they doing?

S: They’re writing. / listening.

T:What about these people? Look at this picture, what are they doing?

Ss: Su Hai is dancing./ Mr. Green and Wang Bing are fishing./ Helen is drawing…

T: What season is it?

T: Spring is beautiful. Everything is growing. Look, what are the birds doing?

The wind is blowing. They all have fun from morning to evening.

Read these words: spring growing blowing morning evening.

T: What can you find?

S:They’re all with ‘-ing’. They also pronounce /ing/.

2 Fill in the rhyme.

3 Read the rhyme.

T:Can you say other words pronounce/ing/?

Ss: swimming jumping jogging running…

S3 While-reading

2 Watch some pictures about the story.

3 Name the title of the story.

4 Read the story one picture by one picture.

Pic 1

T: From this picture, Bobby is eating his grapes. How is Bobby? Ss: Happy.

T: Why? Ss: He has big and sweet grapes.

T: grapes are sweet. what food is sweet, too?

T: Who can read happily? Ss read.

Pic 2

T:Suddenly, Bobby is angry, who comes? Why is Bobby angry?

Ss: The pests are eating Bobby’s grapes.

T and Ss make some dialogues.

T: What are you doing? S: We’re eating grapes.

T: Why are you eating my grapes? Ss: They’re so sweet.

T: Who can read angrily? Ss read.
