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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点二年级上册Unit 1 At 7,I get up.下载详情
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Step1. Warm up

1.?Greeting to each other: 1) Good morning, boys and girls!

?? 2) Say hello to our dear teachers!

? ?3) Do your best.(展示stickers)

2、Sing a song.

Everyone show your fingers. Let’s sing a song. “ Ten little paper rabbits”.


T: Can you read these numbers?

T: Listen! What’s this? This is a clock. Can you say what the time is?

3、Free talks.

[设计意图]? 通过多种形式的课前热身,逐渐将学生带入到英语课堂的氛围中,让孩子不由自主地投入到学习中来,并在这样愉快轻松的英语环境中进行口语和语感的训练,帮助孩子积累英语语言。

Step2 Presentation

1.?Learn the new phrases “get up、go to school, have lunch.”

1) T: Tick, tock, tick, tock, it’s eight. It’s time to get up. Do an action “get up” and say.(板书)

T: Follow me. Get up.(边说边做,教师领读,开火车读)

T: Chant. Up Up I get up.(配乐学生齐chant)

2) Learn the other phrase “go to school,”

T: Tick, tock, tick, tock, it’s eight. It’s time to go to school. (师背起小书包做上学装状) Learn to say “I go to school. ”出示短语, 领读,Let’s go to school together.

3). Learn the other phrase “have lunch”

I have lunch at twelve.(师做肚子饿状)I’m hungry now. Oh , it’s lunch time .I have lunch. (做吃的动作)would you have lunch with me ? 情景创设:拿出一次性碗,食物小图片, 邀请几个学生have lunch,运用Do you like rice/meat….进行对话。 (有意识的提高学生的口语交际能力,复习前面的知识。)

2. Let’s chant. (配合乐曲和动作,练习和巩固新短语、句子)

Up up I get up.

School school I go to school.

Lunch lunch I have lunch.

Football football I play football.


Step3. Text—teaching.

?1、Watch the video.

T: Look at the screen. This is Sam’s poster. (紧接着教授新词poster.)
