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师梦圆小学英语教材同步外研版一年级起点三年级下册Unit 1 They were very young.下载详情
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学具: 学生自己小时候的照片


Step 1 Warm up

1. Greeting: Say hello to the students.

2. Look at the CAI. Read the adjectives and say the opposite words. 复习学生已经学过的形容词,为新课做准备。

Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. 通过第一个环节中的最后一个词old从而引出本课的新词young.

Read it one by one and do the action.

2. 电脑出示教师小时候的照片。

T:Look. Can you guessing who she is? Ss: She is Miss Zang.

T: Yes. I was very young then. I was 5 years old. I was very very naughty, right?

T: Please look at my hair, how about my hair now?

Ss: It’s very long. 板书:My hair is very long.

教师走到自己照片的旁边: How about my hair then? Was it very long? No, it was very short.引出重点词was ,was 是is 的过去式,表示的是过去是 …当你要描述过去发生的动作的时候,要把is 变成was.板书It was very short. 并教读。

3. T: my hair was very short. Was it long? No. So it wasn’t long then. Wasn’t means was not. 过去不是…板书my hair wasn’t long then.并教读。

4. 出示Lingling小时候的照片:T:Who is she? Do you know? Watch the video.

5. 解决问题:Who is that girl? How old was she?

6. What other photos do they talk about? Her grandparents.引出新词grandparents.(grandpa, grandma, grandparents.边说边配动作)

7. 出示祖父母现在的照片,引导孩子说出:They are very old.并板书。

用同样的方式教授were和weren’t。板书they weren’t old then. They were very young.

8. A little chant. Were, were, they were very young;

Weren’t, weren’t, they weren’t old then. Was, was, it was very short;

Wasn’t, wasn’t, it wasn’t long then.

8. Listen, point and repeat.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. Do the exercises 1 on activity book P26. Then check the answers.

2. Show some pictures of the students; let others describe them using the sentences they have learnt today. Then let them guess who they were in the pictures?通过描述先运用本节课所学的知识,然后让学生根据特征来猜一猜自己的同学,从而引起学生的兴趣。

Step 4 Homework

1. Listen and repeat the test for three times.

2. Copy the words and sentences they learnt today.
