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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 17下载详情
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教学/活动过程 教学/活动过程

Step 1 Warming up

1.Review Revision of the School rules& the Class rules

2.Show picture to the students. Have them talk about what they think about.

3.Have them use phrases to summarize them.(设计意图:展示学习目标,让学生对当堂课内容心中有数;用词概况看到的图片,引出核心词,活跃课堂氛围。)

Step 2

Show the pictures and the key phrases. Question them: 1.) Can you keep off the grass? 2.) Do you wait for the green light? You needn’t cross the street when the light is red.3)Show more phrases about the social rules. Have a revision through reading and translating them into Chinese. Then mix them, have the students divide the phrases into good manners and bad manners.(设计意图:教师的复习提问采用关键句子 Can you??,结合图片、提示词,复习单元所学的重点短语,难度较低,让学生放松情绪,复习难度将自此逐步提升。将“习惯”分类成“好习惯”和“坏习惯”,没有提示,要求学生掌握英汉互译,完成任务的同时,学生进行了道德情感自我教育。 谈论我校和班级自己的班规,学生进行了语言运用训练。相互的补充和点评中,学生完成能力的提升。)

Step 3 Revision of the social rules.After talking about the school rules. Show them a dialogue, have them talk about their home rules in pairs. (设计意图:展示一组图片请学生说。让学生感受内容,使学生谈论社会的规则,语言材料真实贴近生活,使得语言运用真实,学生也乐于参与。)

Step 4 Practice 1. Exercise: A short passage on the comprehensive review of the “rules”. Have the students fill in the blanks, check the answers.

Talk about the passage. Show “the social rules”, talk about them and explain some of them, lead to the emotion goals: Rules are everywhere in our life, we are enslaved to the rules, but more benefit from them, so we should obey them. (设计意图:完成一篇关于“做一名好学生”的训练、考查学生的单元重点短语,让学生体会 You must、mustn’t? 句式的实际应用范写。通过教师总结引导,出示“社会主义规则”,对学生进行道德情感教育。)

Step 5 Homework Write the words.Practise phrases.

Blackboard design:

must/ mustn’t

Home rules

School Rules

Class Rules

Social Rules
