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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 17下载详情
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T:Today, our friends come to the street to have a social study. They see some bad things on the street. Look, what bad things can you see?

S: I see a girl pinking the flowers./I see a child crying……

(二)Yes, you are right .Next look at the picture. If they are me, I mustn’t cross the street now. I must wait for the green light.

板书(must) (mustn’t)

Now, what do you want to say to them?

You mustn’t cross the street now, you must wait for the green light.

Picture1. What do you want to say? You mustn’t spit on the ground.

Picture2. What do you want to say? You mustn’t litter.

Picture3. What do you want to say? You must take good care of young children.

Picture4. What do you want to say? You muse keep off the grass. You mustn’t pick the flowers.

Yes, all right. Look at me.

板书(贴) You mustn’t cross the street now.

You must wait for the green light.

Read together.

(三) Next look at the cartoons again. Then answer my questions.

(四) Please look at the fun story carefully. Then answer my question(播放动画)。

What’s meaning the look out?

指名读(出示课件) Do you understand?

Open you book, turn to page 32

(五) Then listen and repeat.(读2—3遍)

(六) Please read the text by yourself.(3分钟左右)

(七) Act out. ( 3组,一组12人)

(八) Next let’s chant. First listen to me, then you begin.

(九) Look at these signs. Talk about it, What do they mean?

(use must or musn’t).

(十) Now we know that in pulic places, we must obey these rules. And in these places, we can also see some signs like these. What do they mean? Can you match them with these rules,

(十一) Let’s go on. Look at the fun story.

What do you want to say? We musn’t litter.

(十二) Let’s do the exercises, Try it, read and choose.

(十三)What have we learned today.
