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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 17下载详情

人教(精通)2011课标版三年级起点(郝建平主编)《Lesson 17》集体备课教案下载-锦州市优质课

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3. Affect objectives:

1)The Ss become helpful,kind and polite people.

2)The Ss can take an active part in activities, imitate carefully and open their mouth bravely.

4. Learning strategies objectives:

1) The Ss learn to communicate with others with pictures, new phrases and non-linguistic clues.

2) The Ss learn to cooperate actively with others in a group to complete the learning tasks.

5. Cultural awareness objective: Key points?1) After the functional practice, the Ss can listen to, speak and read the phrases fluently:cross the street,wait for the green light, keep off the grass, spit on the ground, litter, take good care of young children, pick the flowers.

2) After the functional practice, the Ss can master the functional sentences:You must … . You mustn’t … .Difficulties The pronunciationg of the words and phrases: spit , cross, wait for, take good care of .

The Ss can use the functional sentences to talk and write the social rules.Teaching aidsppt , phrase cards Teaching procedureTeaching stepsTeacher’s activitiesStudent’s activitiesDesign purposeStep 1

Review and lead in1.Ask Ss “What topic is unit 3 about?”.

2.Review the class rules and home rules.

3.Lead in the social rules.Answer.

Say what rules they should obey.

Review and lead in。


Presentation 1.Teach the new phrases : cross the street,wait for the green light, keep off the grass, spit on the ground, litter, take good care of young children, pick the flowers in the language situation.

2. Play the video and show the traffic rules.

3.Show the sentences with the picture and let Ss fill in the blanks .

4. Play the video and ask Ss: Are the people’s manners good or bad?

5.Help Ss to say out“You must help other people”

6.Play the flash and ask Ss: Do they all have good manners?

7. Play the flash and tell Ss finish the task.

8. Show the main sentences with the pictures.

10.Play the recorder.Try to describe the meaning of the signs.

Read .

Listen and sing.

Fill in the traffic rules .

Watch and answer.

Say out。

Watch and answer.
