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师梦圆小学英语教材同步人教(精通)版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 17下载详情
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T:?Good?morning,?boys?and?girls.?How?are?you?today??We will?learn Lesson?17 in this class.?We?will?talk?about?rules?in?public?places.

1、Firstly,?let’s?sing?a?song together,OK?

2、Listen carefully,and answer my questions.

The first one,how to be a good student at school?

Don’t be late for class/school.

Don’t make noise in class.


The second one,hoe to be a good student at home?

Help to do housework.

Don’t watch TV too often.


3.T:Now,?let’s?look?at?some?pictures.?Let’s?talk?:?If?you?want?to?be?a?good?boy?or?a?good girl,what should we do ? And what we shouldn’t do.Let’s look at those pictures.

S: We/I shouldn’t make noise.

We shouldn’t eat in class.

We should be quiet.

We should ask and answer questions actively.

We should keep your room clean.

We should do housework.

Step 2、Presentation 导入新课

1.T: You are all good students. Today, let’s go to some public places, let’s have a look, what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. OK?

S: OK.

T: Show the picture of traffic lights.? Red light and green light. Let the class know the lights of different colors.

Let the class see the picture. The light is red ,but the man wants to cross the street . So it’s very dangerous. What should we say to him? Help the class to say. “look out. Be careful.”? 利用熟知的交通规则的图片, 制造紧张的气氛,为了让学生迫不及待的说出英语句子.来加强学生的印象.

Show the picture and judge.

The light is red, what should we do?

The light is green, what should we do?

We must cross the road.

We mustn’t cross the road.

You must wait for the green light.

2.Look at other pictures at public places.
