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师梦圆小学英语教材同步冀教版三年级起点五年级下册Lesson 2 What Are You Doing?下载详情
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They’re eating.

Look !

I see Jenny.

She is a girl.

Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.

Look at Danny !

He is a boy.

Danny is not looking out of the window on the train.

What do they see on the train?

Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.

Jenny: Look! I see many tall trees!

Jenny: There’s a red school! Some boys and girls are playing there.

Danny is not looking out of the window. What is Danny looking at?

Danny: Look! I see a banana! I see dumplings!

Mrs. Li: Danny, please don’t point.

Danny: Sorry.

many tall trees

a red school

a banana and dumplings

Danny is pointing.

Jenny is looking out of the window on the train.

Jenny: Look! I see many tall trees!

Jenny: There’s a red school! Some boys and girls are playing there.

Danny is not looking out of the window. What is Danny looking at?

Danny: Look! I see a banana! I see dumplings!

Mrs. Li: Danny, please don’t point.

Danny: Sorry.

walk, walk,

dance, dance,

run, run,
