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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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Simon is inviting Neil to Beihai Park. Listen to their conversation and answer:

1.What can they do in the park?

3.How far is the park from Neil’s hotel?

3.How far is the park from Neil’s hotel?

They can row a boat on the lake.

It’s about 40 minutes by bus.

2.When and where will they meet?

They will meet in front of Neil’s hotel at 8:30a.m. tomorrow morning.

1.What can they do in the park?

A: Would you like to go to Beihai Park


B: Ok. What can we do there?

A: We can row a boat on the lake.

B: That’s great! What time shall we meet?

A: Let’s meet in front of your hotel at 8:30

tomorrow morning.

B: That’s fine. How far is it from the hotel?

A: It’s about 40 minutes by bus.

B: OK. We’ll have a good time there!

Speak up

a wonderful place to visit

the Palace Museum

a wonderful place to visit

The exchange students want to visit the Place Museum. They are reading a poster about it.


Come to the Palace Museum! There are many things to see here. Don’t miss them.

Taihe Palace – the golden throne

Baohe Palace – works of art

Huangji Palace – Chinese paintings

… and many more
