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Who are they?

What are their discoveries?

Let’s have a quiz about science and scientist.

Good Luck!

1. The Origin of Species was published in 1859. The book showed that people had developed from apes instead. Who is the author?

A. Leonardo do Vinci B. Charles Darwin C. Stephen Hawking

2. Who said that ‘Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration’?

A. Albert Einstein B. Madame Curie C. Thomas Edison

Quiz about scientists

3. Who received two Nobel prizes and she discovered radium In 1898?

A. Gregor Mendel B. Madame Curie C. Isaac Newton

Quiz about discoveries

4. Stephen Hawking, British (1942--) He has worked in astronomy and studied ___________ in space.

A. Black holes B. UFO C. Planets

6. Albert Einstein is famous for the theory of relativity and a formula ________ showed that the mass and energy were in fact equivalent

A. G=mg B. E=MC2 C. W=FS

5. Alexander Fleming discovered ________ which can kill bacteria and save the lives of millions.

Hydrogen peroxide (过氧化氢)

B. Anesthetics (麻醉剂)

C. Penicillin (青霉素)

First reading

Reading strategy 1 →

Get the general idea and read the text fast. Don’t worry about the words that are new to you.

The purpose of this article is _______.

the introduction of Albert Einstein