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选修11《Using LanguageⅠ》精品PPT课件优质课下载

1. 在语境中借助语篇标志词(表示中心和例证,因果,转折和对比)解答细节理解题(语意转换和归纳概括)(Be a careful reader)

2. 在阅读中积累与主题相关的话题词汇(Be a conscious reader)

3. 增强用发展的眼光看待社会、历史和文化的发展变迁和文化保护和传承的意识(Be a conscious reader)

典型错题回顾——2019市调研考 Passage B

24. According to the author, what is the main cause of the difference in boys’ and girls’ reading ability?

A. Social factors.

B. Teaching methods.

C. Personal preferences.

D. Psychological differences.

25. Why does the author recommend that adults regularly talk to boys about reading?

A. To persuade boys to read more often.

B. To learn what boys are most interested in.

C. To help boys improve their language ability.

D. To show that adults are good reading role models.

24. According to the author, what is the main cause of the difference in boys’ and girls’ reading ability?

A. Social factors.

B. Teaching methods.

C. Personal preferences.

D. Psychological differences.

P2: There are several reasons that help explain these gender-based differences. Parents?read more?with their daughters. This sends a strong and early message that books are for girls, as well as equipping girls with a significant advantage. Recent?research?has found even though boys read less frequently than girls, girls still receive more encouragement to read from their parents.

P3: So how can parents and educators help bridge this socially-engineered gap for boys’ reading?

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