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新世纪版英语四年级下册《Unit 9 What are you going to do》优质课ppt课件

I like to go to the movies at the weekend. What do you like to do at [?t, ?t] the weekend, Jenny? (ask a student)

(Ask all:) What does she like to do at the weekend? (She likes to…)

(Pair work:) Now ask your friend: What do you like to do at the weekend?

Hello [h?`lo, h?-] , Kevin, What does your friend like to do at the weekend? (What about your friend, Lilian/ Edwin?) (*3)

What’s the weather like this [eis, e?s] weekend? (The weather is going to be fine this weekend. )

Tim and his family are going to go for a picnic in the park. And Tim wants to know: What are you going to do this weekend?

Please read after me: What are you going to do this weekend? (*2)

I like to sing karaoke. So I am going to sing karaoke this weekend. What about you? What are you going to do this weekend, Helen?

(pair work:) Now please ask your friend: what are you going to do this weekend? (板书what)

Wonderful. Well, enjoy your weekend. And have a good time!

This is today’s homework.

Class is over.

See you later.

Ok. Please turn around and say goodbye to teachers.

New Century English (4B)

Unit 9


What do you do every day?

go to school have classes

do homework play the piano

read books … …