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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section B下载详情
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Ⅱ. The Key points and Difficult points

1. Key points:

Some kinds of food and how to order food by phone.

2. Difficult points:

Use the proper way to order the meal in daily life.教学过程一、复习 导入

1. Ask Ss to sing a chant "What do you like?" to review the food.

T: Let's sing a chant, "What do you like?" ok? "Are you ready?"

2. Show a picture of the food festival to introduce the new lesson.

T: As we know, the food festival was open…学生活动及修改设计二.自主合作学习

1. Use word map and the menu to show some kinds of food. Then have a PK.

T: This is the menu of the food festival. How many kinds of food can you see? If you’re the guest, what would you like?

Now, let’s have a PK, let’s see how many sentences as you can say in 15 seconds.(Divide Ss into 4 groups)

2. Listen to 1a and finish 1b.

T: Do you want to know what Mr. Zhao orders and his address? Now, let’s listen to it. Then check the answers.

3. Listen, repeat and read.

T: Now, hold your books and repeat1a after the video. Ok, read together.

4. Read and underline some expressions

T: There are 2 minutes for you to read 1a by yourselves and underline some expressions about ordering by phone, then report them.三.拓展延伸

Practice ordering food by phone and by dinning out.

T: Can you order a meal by phone? Please make up a new conversation and act it out. 3 minutes for you.

Please make up a conversation about ordering a meal by dining out. Then act it out. 4minutes for you.四.目标检测

Do some exercises

T: Do you like traveling? Now let’s go to some beautiful cities by doing exercises


Encourage Ss to summarize

T: What have you learnt today?六.作业布置

Assign the HMK.(PPT)

T: 1. Review the new words and the expressions.

2. Preview Section C for next class.

3. Make a menu for a week based on the table.七.板书设计