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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section B下载详情
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Cultivate students’ skills of Cooperation with others.

The key points and difficult points:

The key: Master the sentences of ordering a meal by phone.

The difficult: Make a new conversation about ordering a meal by phone in pairs.

Learning strategies:

Communicative strategies, complete the task after listening.

Learning aids: PPT, Multi-media system.

Learning steps:

Step 1: Warming up and lead-in.

Watch a short movie of a Bite of China .


Let students say out the English names of pictures quickly and loudly.

Step 2: Play a game

Divide the class into five groups. These groups are called soup, staple, main course, dessert and drink. When the game starts, the following five groups should say out the name of the pictures showed quickly and correctly. But when it comes to which type of food, all of this group members should stand up quickly. If one of the students in that group doesn't get up at the same time, they will be punished. They need to say:....I’d like....., then they can have a seat.

Step 3: Listening practice

The first listening: Answer two questions.

1)What's the dialogue talking about?

2)Where shall they send the meal ?

A. They will send the food to No.62 on Beisihuan Road.

B. They will send the food to No.62 on Chaoyang Road.

The second listening: Answer two questions.

Complete the table in 1b.

Listen and follow, then role-play.

Step 4: Pair work: make a new conversation.

Helen’s father set up a restaurant near the school. And the food are very popular with young people.

So you decide to taste the delicious food . Please make a coversation about ordering a meal by phone.

For example:

A: Hello. Could I......?

B: Sure. ......?

A: I’d like…By the way,what're your special dishes?