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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch下载详情

九年级全一册(衔接三年级起点)(2014年5月第1版)《Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch》优质课教案下载-安顺市优课

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Step 3. Reading the passage and learning language

Task 1. Answer the questions.

1.How many people were there in Noah’s family? Who are they?

2. Why was God angry?

3. What did Noah make?

4. What were there in the ship?

5. What are symbols of peace?

Task 2. Number the sentences in the correct order

Task 3. Can you understand the following?

1.There were a lot of fighting, lying and stealing.

2. Everyone will die —— all except you and your family.

3. Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace.

4. They are used at many world

events today.

5. opening ceremonies of the Olympics

Task 4. Fill in the blanks

A long long time ago, there lived a man called , he has a happy . One day, God was , because there were a lt of fighting, lying and stealing. He decided to .Then, Noah made a .He put in the ship. They floated for many days. One day, the rain stopped, he let fly out of the ship. In the evening, the dove came back with in its mouth. Since then, people have taken as symbols of peace.

Task 5. Retell the story of the dove and the olive branch.

Step 4.Summary

We learned the story today. From now on, we should love peace and try our best to keep peace. We should try to make our world better and better. Do you agree with me?

Step 5. Homework

1. Finish Ex.2 and Ex.3 on the students’ book.

2. Create a symbol for your class.

Think and answer.

Read the new words.

Read the passage and find the answers

Pair work

Think, discuss and speak out

Group work.

The students present in front of the class.

