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师梦圆初中英语教材同步冀教版九年级全一册Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch下载详情

九年级全一册(衔接三年级起点)(2014年5月第1版)《Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch》新课标教案下载-滨州市优质课

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1. What made God very angry?

2. What would God do to the people on the earth?

3. What did Noah do to prepare for the flood?

4. What do people take the dove and the olive branch as?

B. Read and listen for the specific information.

① How did Noah know that the danger had passed?

② When do people use the dove and the olive branches?

Let the student know the text again .

Get to know more about the content and key information about the lesson.

Students can understand better through reading, and listening.Step3: Practice

Read the lesson and number the sentences in the correct order.

□ Noah made a large ship of wood.

□ Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace.

□ Noah put two of every kind of animal on the ship and locked the door.

□ The dove came back with a green olive branch in its mouth.

□ God told Noah that he would send a great flood.

□ Noah let a dove fly out of the ship.

□ Noah floated on the water for many days and nights.

Circle the correct prepositions to complete the sentences.

①. The dove and the olive branch are symbols (in/of) peace.

②. Mother bought a lot of food to prepare (with/for) my birthday party.

③. Mr. Brown and his wife floated (on/in) the water for a week in the flood.

④. Five minutes later, Miss Lee came back (of/with) some books in her hand.

⑤. This is a desk made (of/from) wood.

Deal with the exercises and test the students’ mastery about the knowledge and make students understnd the text better.

3. Team work.

Work in pairs. Create a symbol for your class. The symbol can represent peace, love or friendship.

4.Extensive reading.

Noah's Ark and the Flood

