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3.学生能从补充故事中体会“No pain, no gain.”“The rainbow always comes out after the rain.”等格言的寓意,培养积极进取的态度。教学




准备CAI word cards sentence cards 设计


Step 1: Warm-up

Have the students enjoy and follow the song: Rain, rain, go away.

Greet with the students and ask them to read the teacher’s English name: James.

By playing a game ---Read and say yes or no, elicit some words with “ay”: day, say, play, Monday, birthday, etc

Step 2: Presentation and practice

Guide the students to read these words and find out the same sound of “ay”. And practice it.

(1) Encourage the students to read and discuss in pairs to find the same sound.

(2) By playing the video, let the students get the answers: “ai” says /e?/.

(3) Have the students read these words: Monday, birthday, say, way, always, Jay, May.

(4) Tell a small story:

Jay the Snail and May the Snail are going to play far away. It’s such a long way. They say: Oh, it’s rainy. Let’s wait for the train. Maybe there’s a rainbow after rain.

By discussing the sound of “ai” in the story above, help the students find and practice the sound “ai” /e?/.

(1) By playing the video, let the students get the answers: “ai” says /e?/ and chant it.

(2) Have the students read these words: rainy, rainbow, wait, paint, train, snail, etc.

(3) Let the students listen and follow the chant: I cannot wait...

Practice “ai” and “ay”

(1) Let the students to finish the exercise: Listen, read and circle.

(2) Have the students play a game --- Read and spell.

(3) Have the students guess what the whole sentence is and do the exercise: Look, listen and write.

Step 3: Consolidation and extension