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师梦圆初中英语教材同步牛津译林版七年级下册Integrated skills下载详情
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I’m going to be …

III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty

1. Get useful information from the listening materials.

2. Introduce their family members’ jobs and their dream jobs.

IV. Teaching procedures

A Different jobs

Step 1 Lead-in

Guessing game.(Listen Jump and Say)


Step 2 Presentation

show students some new jobs by playing a video

lead them to learn and talk about the new job


2. Complete Part A1.

3. New words: elder brother/elder sister.

T: Wendy is Millie’s penfriend. She’s talking about the jobs of her family members. Here is Wendy’s family photo. This is Wendy. They are Wendy’s parents. Who are they? He’s Wendy’s elder brother and she’s Wendy’s elder sister.


Step 3 Listening

1. Complete Part A2.

(1) Listen to the tape and complete the table in Part A2.

(2) Check answers in pairs. Ask and answer questions like this:

What does Wendy’s dad/mum/… do?

Where does he/she work?

He/She …


2. More about Wendy’s family.

(1) Listen and choose the correct answers.

(2) Say something about Wendy’s dad/mum/elder brother/elder sister.

Wendy’s elder brother goes to work by bike/goes to work on his bike/rides to work.

Wendy’s elder sister goes to work by train/goes to work on the train/takes the train to work.
