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teaching material& students本节课为本单元using language的第二课时,拟作为前一节阅读课的一个内化和延伸。虽然这篇文章从表面上看起来内容不多,理解难度也不是很大,但是整篇文章的结构非常清晰,是一篇非常好的说明文教学材料。基于以上思路,本节课从引导学生分析课文结构的视角出发,帮助学生梳理相似类型说明文的基本框架,最后达到输出写作的目的。本节课授课对象为高一(5)班,该班共49人,其中男生36人,女生13人,属于高一年级重点班层次的班级。作为理科生,且男生占绝大多数的班级,他们在英语学习上热情和投入度有限,对于英语写作也有一定的畏难情绪。所以,这就要求在教学的过程中,要注意教学活动的有效性和参与性,利用合作学习激发他们主动参与课堂。

2.Teaching objectives


objectives1. To help the Ss identify the basic structure of an exposition;

2. To guide the Ss to write a similar passage.

Ability objectives1. To develop Ss’ writing ability, such as establishing the topic, organizing the ideas etc;

2. To promote Ss’ sense of learning strategies.Emotion

objectiveTo make Ss aware of the significance and urgency of environmental protection.

3. Teaching key points &difficult points

Teaching key points1. With the analysis of the reading material, students can generally grasp the structure of an exposition and keep some typical sentence patterns in mind;

2. Ss can be provided a chance to apply their writing skills to real task.Teaching difficult points1. Students may find it difficult to figure out the problems and advantages of the related topic if they lack of the discussion on it.

2. Finishing writing the passage in quite a limited time is also a great challenge for some of them.4. Teaching methodsTask-based approach

Communicative?approach5. Teaching aidsMulti-media& blackboardTeaching StepsT’s activitiesSs’ activitiesPurpose

Step 1

Modal analysis of the teaching

materialLeads the Ss to summarize the basic structure of an exposition.Read the passage again, work out the structure of an exposition.通过观察课文范文,归纳说明文的基本结构框架。

Step 2

Lead-in of the task

Introduces a similar topic to the Ss, and ask them to work out the basic structure of the writing task.Observe the structure of the reading text, figure out the structure of the writing task. 在了解课文文章结构的基础上能够推导出写作任务的基本文章框架。

Step 3


Divides the Ss into groups, and helps them to summarize the opinions.Discuss in groups, and make a report.以小组互助的方式探讨人们使用塑料袋的危害和采用环保袋购物的好处,为下一步写作做好铺垫。Step 4



Gets the Ss to write the whole passage.Try to finish the draft in about 15mins.通过限时写作训练来检测学生是否能够运用相关的写作框架和词汇进行自主创作。