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《Using LanguageⅡ》公开课PPT课件优质课下载

1. Does all the green food look green?

A. Yes. B. No.

2. Which one is the right logo of green food?

B. C.

3. How many years can a certified green food trade mark be used?

A. 2 years B. 3 years C.5 years

4. How much do you need to get the mark?

A. ¥0. B. ¥80 000. C. ¥8000.

What should I do?

What should I do?

Hello, everyone! I’m Mr.Liu. I’m a green food producer. My vegetables and fruits are grown in full sunlight and free of chemical fertilizers and pesticide. They are also safe, delicious and can keep you healthy. But many people don’t know about my green food and how good it is. And my green food is more expensive than other unsafe food, so I have to keep lots of them in my house and field. I’m in trouble now! I need your help.

Advantages of

green food

Task 1 Speaking

Make a dialogue in pairs.

Suppose one of you is the seller, the other a picky customer.

Here is an example.

For example:

Seller: Good morning!

Would you like some…?

Customer: Hmm… They are a little expensive! What is the advantage of …?

Seller: The advantages are…



It’s better to …