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Students have gained some basic understanding of poetry. But they haven’t got a chance of appreciating a poem in details. They need the chance to apply the knowledge to their own practice. The poem Dreams is not very difficult for them to understand the overall meaning, however, they will still have some trouble in appreciating it from other aspects.

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

(1). Students can have a better knowledge of word-formation, such as compound adjective;

(2). Students should be able to have a good understanding of rhyme and rhetoric devices.

2. Ability aims:

(1). Students can appreciate an English poem in general;

(2). Students can convey their feelings or emotions in a poetic way.

3. Emotion aims:

(1). Students will have a clear idea of the importance of dreams;

(2). Students are inspired to spare no efforts to seek their dreams.

Teaching important and difficult points:

1. Get students to appreciate an English poem in different aspects;

2. Make students express their emotions in a poetic way.

Teaching aids:

The multimedia and the blackboard

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Lead- in

Enjoy an English song I Have a Dream.

Student activities:

Admire the song and complete the words of the song.

Present their work.

Teacher activities:

1. Check out students’ work of filling in blanks.

2. Summarize students’ presentation, and lead in the poem.