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选修6《Using LanguageⅠ》教案优质课下载

Try to do a good job!

Step 2 An English song

To enjoy a beautiful English song---Happy song. And let us begin our class in the comfortable atmosphere. Meanwhile, it is a natural transition from the nursery rhyme to this class.

Step 3 A meaningful Chinese poem

Before learning this Chinese poem, let the students master some key words about the poem. Rhythm, rhyme, image and emotion.

To read this Chinese poem loudly together, and try to get the students understand the main idea of this poem. And then try to let the whole class to comprehend this poem form different aspects.

It is useful for students to arouse their affection for their parents.

Step 4 An English poem

First, give a brief introduction to the author.

Second, analyze the poem from four different aspects. There are:

Rhyme: repetition of sounds

Rhythm: the beat

Images: creating pictures

Emotion: finding the emotion of author

Third, try to read the poem with all their passion.

Four, pick up some students to stand up and try to read the poem loudly.

Five, answers some questions about this poem.

Step 5 Discussion

What comes into your mind while you are enjoying this poem?

-----We should be thankful for our parents and our lives.

Step 6 Group work----translation

Divide the whole class into five groups and each group try to translate one part of the poem. Several minutes later, let them show their translation in the front of the classroom. At last, decide on the best translation of each group and show them on the slides.

Step 7 An English song

First, read a poem---Seasons in the sun

Second, enjoy this song, and try to sing this sun.