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师梦圆小学英语教材同步辽宁师大版三年级起点五年级下册Unit 7 After school下载详情
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4 To develop students’ all kinds of play + (all kinds of balls) and play + musical instrument.

Teaching difficulties

1 Be able to use the sentence pattern we learned in class correctly

2 Lead to use the right answer of general question in the present simple tense .

Teaching procedure

Step 1 Review and lead in

1 Show a video and arouse the students’ interest of study .

T: Who is it ? Where is it ? (look and say )

2 Ask and answer

T:What do you usually do at home ? S: …

T:Where are you now ? S: at school .

Let’s talk about after school . OK ?

T: What do you usually do after school ?(PPT shows some pictures )

S: I usually … after school.

Step 2 Presentation

1. Show the title on the blackboard .

Phrases and sentences

T: Let’s talk about : After school .

T: Do you play football/the piano after school ? (Lead to answer with : Yes, I do. /No, I don’t .)

Ask somebody else then let them ask me together (Show the key sentence “Do you play football/the piano after school ? Yes, I do ./No, I don’t .”on the blackboard.)

2 Look, listen and say (learn all the key verb phrases in the key sentences )

To learn : watch TV (look, listen and say) “a” -[D] “tch [] .Ask and answer one by one

T: Do you watch TV after school ?

S1: Yes,I do ./No, I don’t. Do you watch TV after school ?(ask your friend)

S2:Yes,I do ./No, I don’t. Do you watch TV after school ?

S3: … S4:…

To learn : visit friend (look, listen and say)

visit “i”-[Ι] “s” [z] Ask and answer with one by one.

Let’s say quickly.

To learn: go shopping ,go swimming (look, listen and say)
