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师梦圆小学英语教材同步沪教版三年级起点五年级下册6 Holidays下载详情
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用句型How long will ... stay in ...? 询问他人的计划。

Learning tools:


Learning steps:

Step1. Greeting

T: Hello, boys and girls.


T: I’m your teacher today . My name is Shi Xiaoxiao. So you can call me Miss Shi. Hello, boys and girls.

Ss:Hello, Miss Shi.

T: Nice to meet you!

Ss: Nice to meet you too!


Step2:Warm up & Lead in

1. T: First, let’s do warm-up together!(播视频,学生跟做动作)


2. T:Look, this is a calendar. Please pay attention to the blue parts. What can you find?

S:They’re holidays.

T: Great! Today, we’re going to talk about “Holidays”. Show me your finger and write the title with me.

T: As we all know, we have winter holiday and summer holiday. And the summer holiday is coming. I’m going to Sanya this summer. What are you going to do this summer?

Ss: I’m going to ... this summer.

T: Let’s make a revision.

(设计意图:复习be going to 和will的相关知识,解决本课的语法知识。)

Step3.Presentation & practice

1. New words

T: Do you know where Sanya is?(出示中国地图)

Ss:It’s in Hainan.

T: Gerat! Hainan is an island. So Sanya is on Hainan Island.(教授单词:island)

T: I’ve got some pictures about Sanya. Let’s have a look together.(图片呈现beautiful beaches,clear water, nice seafood, 同时教授单词clear, seafood)

T: What should we do first before going to Sanya?→Make a plan

T: What should we plan for? Maybe we should plan for “How”-”How do we get there?”/”Where”-”Where will we stay?”/”How long”-”How long will we stay in Sanya?”/”What”-”What will we do?”(同时板书在黑板上)