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师梦圆小学英语教材同步陕旅版三年级起点四年级下册Part A下载详情
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T:Have a try! let’s read together can you one two……

S:can you can a can as a camer can can a can ?

T:You lenow Yao Ming can play basketball Zhou Jielun can sing songs, Do you want to know what can Miss Tian do? yes/no.I can run. I can swim. I can dance. Now. open your books turn to page 62.


1、T:PPT3 OK, look at the picture. I can hear your.

can you hear me? Yes/no.look at the blackboard. Show me your finger.

T:板书;hear 学生书空并读。Hear升降调 spell the word.one again.

T:this line、you、please、one by one(横排手势)

S1:Turn left、h-o-a-r(Great) S2:Next wonderful!

S3:Next、excellect! S4:the last one、cod!

( 横竖背 INCLUDEPICTURE "../Local%20Settings/Temp/WML%60ZUS$8NCVU(%257M%255VUJI.gif" \* MERGEFORMAT )

T:边读边板书:what can you do? I can hear.

2、T:PPT4 ok,let’s go on……Look at the picture. I can see you, can you see me?yes/no.took at the blackboard 板书:see 生书空并读 ;see升降调spell the word .once again

T:this line,you,piease,one by one(竖排手势)

S1:Turn left(手势)s-e-e(Great)

S2:the last one(wonderful)(竖排背)

T:Let’s read together. what……one two……

S:what can you do? I can see.

T:the girl please. What can she do? She can see.

the boy please. What can he do? he can see.

3、T:PPT5 ok , next look at me ,wha’s this?

S:It’s a mouth. T :look at my mouth.

I can speak with my mouth . look at the blackboard.(左手拿卡片)板书s-p-e-a-k. 生书空并读speak升降调

speak once again .

T:this line ,you please. one by one .read the word .follow him\her.(横排领读)

T:Close your eyes and spell the word .speak one two ……(集体背)

4、T:PPT6 ok Let’s go on .It’s hot .let’s opean the word.

Look! I can open the door .Can you open door? yes\on

T :look at the blackboard. 板书o-p-e-n生书并读

open升降调open升降调(动作)Read three times. who wants to why? put up you hands. group 1:S1 your, please. Turn left o-p-e-n (Great) 2:S2 cool group 3:S3 good group 4:S4 Great(个人背 INCLUDEPICTURE "../Local%20Settings/Temp/WML%60ZUS$8NCVU(%257M%255VUJI.gif" \* MERGEFORMAT )