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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Part A & B下载详情
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Emotion objective

Love my school and my school life.

Work in groups and help each other.

The focus of the lesson

Work in groups to make a picture book.

Comb through the useful language points from previous units and make full use of them.

Teaching aids: Computer, Scissor, Glue,Colour pen...

五.Teaching steps:

Step1: Warm up


Watch a video about a picture book.

Q1: Do you know what is the picture book about?

Ss: Our school.

Q2: What can you see in our school?

S: I can see ...

Teach: a lot of (hot-lot)

S1: I can see a lot of trees and flowers.

S2: I can see a lot of students.

T: Yes, we can see a lot of students and their parents.

Q3: How do you think our school?

S: Our school is very big/beautiful/nice/cool/sunshine.

设计意图:播放学校视频并配音乐,提出问题,让学生说出学校的教室,活动图,许多树花草,许多家长来到学校,操练本课新授a lot of, 并引出本课主题,热身热闹,视频用的目的性明确。

Step2: Presentation

My school life

(Show some parents of this picture book)

T: Boys and girls, look! Why are there so many parents in our school?

(Show: Open day)


T: Today is our Open Day. A lot of students’ parents will come to our school.

What can we do for our parents on that day?