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师梦圆小学英语教材同步译林版三年级起点四年级下册Part A & B下载详情
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Step 1 Greeting and warm up

Enjoy a song: 《My happy school》


Q: What can you see in our school?

Enjoy a chant and free talk:

Classroom, classroom, read and write.

Playground, playground, run run run.

Music room, music room, sing and dance.

Art room, art room, fun fun fun.

The title of the chant is A: School life B. Holiday life C: Daily life

揭示课题:Today we will continue to learn Project 1: My school life.(板书)

Step 2 Presentation and practice

T: Do you like our school life?

Ss: Yes!

T: We like our school life because we have many subjects in school, we learn a lot. We have a lot of fun in it too. And we have many friends in the school. Miss Lu has many friends too. I have a friend on wechat, her name is Kate. Look, here’s a new moment from her. Let’s watch!


I have a project “Dream School”.(我有一个“梦想学校”的课题。) So I need to know more about different schools and school lives.

Can you give me a hand? (你能帮助我了解更多关于你们学校的情况吗?)

T: Now, let’s show our school life to Kate, OK?

We learn a lot in school. We have many subjects.

Let’s do a word puzzle together.


T: What lessons do you have?

Ss: We have…

T: What subject do you like? Please tick and write.(完成书上Project1 B部分My school subjects)

Ss: I like…

Also, we have a lot of fun in our school. Now let’s play a game.

Rules: Group A说出完整句子,Group B判断,如果活动和操场相匹配,大家一起说Good idea!,就一起说What a pity!

We can do many things in our school. We are happy and we are also busy every day. When and what do you do every day? Please think and write.

出示书上Project1 A 部分My day的表格。