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师梦圆初中英语教材同步沪教版八年级下册Writing 'write a short article about what animal maked the best pet'下载详情

八年级下册(2011年1月第1版)《Writing ‘write a short article about what animal maked the best pet’》最新PPT课件下载-吉安市

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We have to feed, train and play with dogs.

Young people can learn how to care for others.

supporting details

Keeping pet dogs

is a good idea.

I think that dogs make the best pets.

Firstly, dogs are lovely. I enjoy playing with them. It's pleasant to hold them in our arms.

Secondly, dogs are faithful. There was once a faithful dog in Japan. One day, his owner died suddenly of a heart attack. The dog did not know it and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years, until he died

Thirdly, if you keep a pet dog, you need to walk it every day. When you are walking your dog, you are doing exercise.

For these reasons, I believe that dogs make the best pets.

For these reasons, I believe that dogs make the best pets.

Dogs make the best pets

What are the reasons?

What is the opinion?

What are the supporting details?

I think that

Firstly, dogs are lovely.

There was once a faithful dog in Japan. One day, his owner died suddenly of a heart attack. The dog did not know it and kept on waiting for his owner every day for many years, until he died. 忠犬八公物语》:等你不久,

Thirdly, if you keep a pet dog, you need to walk it every day.

For these reasons, I believe that dogs make the best pets.

dogs make the best pets.

I enjoy playing with them. It's pleasant to hold them in our arms.

Secondly, dogs are faithful.

When you are walking your dog, you are doing exercise.

Dogs make the best pets



supporting details

opinion again

Opinion again

