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师梦圆初中英语教材同步科普版八年级下册Section B下载详情
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3. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。

4. 学生能区分辅音音素/ C /和/ dE /, 并能正确拼读单词。

5. 学生能在朗读句子时正确处理语调和停顿。

Skill aims:

1. 能听懂有关食物制作话题的对话,识别主题,并获取主要信息。

2. 能使用英语陈述食物的制作过程。

3. 能理解所给语言材料中事件的发生顺序和人物行为。

4. 能写出简单的文段。

Emotional aims:

1. 在其原有的英语学习愿望和兴趣的基础之上,勇于实践、大胆尝试,培养自主探究精神。

2. 乐于接触和了解外国风俗文化,从而更好地为弘扬中国文化服务。

三. The key points and difficult points

Key points:

1. 学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从句。

2. 学习单音节副词的比较级和最高级。

3. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。

Difficult points:


四、Teaching procedures

Step1 Introduction

1. Get the students ready for learning.

2. Teacher lets the students read the passage about how to cook their favorite food, using adverbsof sequence and manner.

3. Teacher asks the students to retell the steps of cooking fried rice, using First… Second… Then… Finally…

4. Teacher asks the students to read the sentences of 4b by themselves, paying attention to the intonation and pause.

5. Teacher plays the recording of 4b. Let students listen and check their reading.

6. Teacher plays the recording of 4b again, and let the students listen and try to imitate.

7. Teacher lets students practice the conversation of 4b with their partners.

8. Teacher shows the phonetics / C /and / dE / and the words on the screen. Let the students try reading them.

9. Teacher plays the recording of 4a. Let students listen.

10. Teacher plays the recording of 4a again, and lets the students listen and try to imitate.