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II.Teaching important and difficult points

Important points

a. Students will be able to understand, read and say the numbers from 1 to 5.

b.Students will be able to understand and say the dialogs: How many … ? … .

2.Difficult points

a. Students will be able to understand and say the dialogs: How many … ? … .

b. Students will be able to read the plural forms of some words.

III.Teaching aids 1.PPT 2.some pictures

IV.Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Warm-up and Lead in

Introduction and greetings

Enjoy a song. 3.Show a boy and introduction

Step 2.Presentation and practice.

Show 5 gifts. Ask the students to guess: What’s in the box?

Learn to say the numbers from 1 to 5.

Listen and say the numbers. Introduce Roman numbers.

Listen and do.

Clap your hands. Wave your arms. Shake your body.

Learn to say the dialogs: How many … ? … .

Remember and make dialogs.

Listen to the dialog. Read after the dialog. Practice to say: OK.Here you are.

Read the dialog by themselves. Act the dialog.

Step 3.Extension

Go Shopping.

Step 4.Wrap-up

Listen and sing. Homework.

V. Written design

Unit 6 Happy Birthday

I’d like some …. .

How many … ?